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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Glass on Glass Mosaic

My late winter project......

God's Beauty

Sometimes in the gray winter it is hard to see the beauty that surrounds us every day. I have been waiting for weeks for the day this little gal to come to bloom, proving to me that even on the darkest day God sends us something beautiful to remind us of his promise to us.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Treasure Box

I made this little box years ago after reading a tutorial on extruded polymer clay. It is kind of elementary in its design but I love these pieces that were so helpful in teaching me the mechanics of a new art craft.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I so love mosaic and I am just discovering that it gives you the opportunity (excuse) to KEEP items that might otherwise look like trash to a casual observer. This wine bottle has a cool story. My BFFs and I take a yearly vacation. While in New York we ran into an interesting fella, a charter pilot from Canada that owned part interest in a winery. He sent us a bottle of his wine and we enjoyed it at Shelly's house one evening and called him and all expressed our thanks. It was such a good memory I hated to throw the bottle away and I wanted to make sure it didnt get tossed by accident.