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Sunday, January 29, 2012

A little beauty in Winter

Each week my indoor garden provides entertainment

Friday, January 20, 2012

More pretty orchids that have bloomed lately......

May seem like a small thing, but these flowers sure give me pleasure....

A mosaic birdbath for Linda's birthday

I took a 12 inch flower pot saucer and added mosaic to create a birdbath. I put several layers of sealer on it to make it water tight, then I asked her NOT TO USE IT OUTSIDE as much time as I put into it. HA! She understood.

Getting into mosaic

I have been studying the art of mosaic, specifically pique assiette (broken plates and found objects) It is giving me great joy to do the treasure hunting to find the raw materials. Almost as much fun as the actual creation itself. I soooo enjoy designing a my pieces.

These are the Christmas ornaments I made last year following the instructions of my idol Beryl Taylor. I made 20 of them out of junk mail used as card stock, metal tape, alcohol inks, puff paint, wire beads and charms.